
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。








Challenges of Multicultural Co-Living Housing

Addressing Cultural Differences
Foreigners are less likely to default on rent: Have they disappeared into the night, or returned to their home country?

According to a “Landlord Survey” conducted by the Japan Rental Housing Management Association, over 60% of landlords mention “rent arrears and unauthorized return to their home country” as a concern when renting to foreigners. However, real estate management companies and private guarantee companies (which provide rent guarantees in lieu of a co-signer) often say that foreigners have a lower default rate on rent than Japanese tenants. If it’s true that foreigners are less likely to default on rent, why do more than 60% of landlords still view this as a concern? And is it really true that foreigners default less often than Japanese tenants?

“It’s kind of strange,” says an employee, puzzled. “What’s strange?” When asked, he explains, “Well, Mr. Jim, who has never been late with the rent before, hasn’t paid this month yet. Moreover, there’s no contact from him, and his phone isn’t reachable.”

Based on previous experiences, this employee thought to wait a bit before sending a payment reminder. However, he is baffled because Mr. Jim has suddenly become unreachable. “With Japanese tenants, there are usually some signs before payments start getting delayed, and it’s rare for them to become completely uncontactable,” he says.

As it turns out, Mr. Jim had already returned to his home country. His return was sudden, and amid the rush of preparations, he apparently forgot to cancel his apartment lease. But he thought, “I have two months’ deposit with the landlord, so it shouldn’t be a problem,” and boarded the plane.

This kind of oversight is probably not very common among Japanese tenants. For foreigners, a residence in Japan is not necessarily intended for long-term stay but rather a temporary accommodation for business or study. Moreover, many foreigners believe that if they delay in rent payments, they will be evicted immediately, unlike Japanese tenants who tend to think they won’t be evicted right away for being slightly late. This might lead to a perception among foreigners that “failing to pay rent = termination of lease.” Therefore, if a foreign tenant who has never been late before suddenly delays, it might be good to consider that “rent arrears” could mean “checking out or returning to their home country.”

Indeed, it might be that foreigners are less likely to default on rent than Japanese. Perhaps, the landlords’ anxiety about rent arrears stems more from their uncertainty about how to deal with foreigners.


第26回 应对文化差异 外国人的房租拖欠率较低 是失联还是夜逃、或者是回国?


荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net