※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。
文化の違いに対応するには「無断転貸、無断同居」 自己負担ゼロのアパート?

Addressing Cultural Differences”Unauthorized Subleasing and Cohabitation”An apartment without any personal expenses?
Currently, over 2 million foreigners live in Japan, and their numbers are reaching new records every year. However, when it comes to securing housing, which is essential for their lives here, the answer is unfortunately a “NO!” The reason is that landlords still feel uneasy about renting to foreigners. One common concern is hearing stories about foreigners who have sublet their apartments to strangers without notice or who have increased the number of occupants without permission.
In reality, it’s worth wondering how common “unauthorized subleasing and cohabitation” is among foreign tenants compared to Japanese tenants. Depending on their country of origin, foreigners may sublease without permission because “it’s hard for foreigners to rent a room” on their own. Thus, those who cannot secure a room by themselves might sublet from someone who is returning to their home country and no longer needs the apartment.
As for “unauthorized cohabitation,” one reason is the economic benefit of sharing the rent among several people. In some countries, there are no restrictions on the number of occupants, and tenants are responsible for managing the property themselves, so they may unknowingly commit a serious breach of contract in Japan by behaving as they would in their home country. Indeed, in places like Shanghai, some rent large apartments with the intention of subleasing them to cover their rent, showcasing the Shanghainese knack for business.
The most common reason for “unauthorized cohabitation” is to temporarily host friends or acquaintances from their home country. Due to the strict nature of rental agreements in Japan, it is quite difficult for foreigners to secure an apartment before arriving in the country. Therefore, it is common to initially stay with friends or acquaintances and then search for their own place at leisure. In effect, a friend’s apartment becomes a short-term lodging in Japan. There is an inherent necessity and reason unique to foreigners, making “subleasing and cohabitation” more common among them than among Japanese.
Indeed, 20 to 30 years ago, it was common for Japanese people moving to Tokyo from other regions to use the homes of relatives or friends as temporary lodging until they were settled enough to live independently.
荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net