
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。

たかが犬、されど犬 少子化がもたらす新たな同居人





30th Edition: Addressing Cultural DifferencesJust a Dog, but Still a DogNew Co-inhabitants Brought by Declining Birth Rates

Japan is currently experiencing an unprecedented pet boom, possibly due to the effects of declining birth rates and an aging population. More and more people are living with dogs and cats as members of their families. This phenomenon is not unique to Japan; it has been observed in Western countries with a long history of coexisting with dogs and cats, and where declining birth rates and aging populations began earlier than in Japan. Similarly, South Korea, which is also grappling with a sharp decline in birth rates, is experiencing a pet boom, likely for the same reasons.

Speaking of which, when I visited the UK 30 years ago, pets such as dogs and cats were treated not just as sources of comfort but as family members. Once, the owner of the boarding house I stayed at had a beloved calico cat that suddenly disappeared. All the boarders searched for the cat together. In the end, the cat was never found, and the owner was so dejected that he took three days off work (at a major trading company).

Seeing this, I was puzzled, but his wife explained the pet situation in the UK to me, saying, “In the UK, it doesn’t make the news if a person gets into a traffic accident, but it does if a pet does.” At the time, I couldn’t understand this.

Now, if pets are treated as family members, wouldn’t there be trouble in rental housing? France is one country that is tolerant of living with pets. In France, it is legally prohibited to refuse tenants because they have pets. The situation is slightly different, but in South Korea and China, there are no restrictions on living with pets in rental properties. In both countries, rental restrictions are generally very loose, and room usage is often left to the tenant’s discretion (there are more restrictions on detached houses). On the other hand, there are countries like those in Southeast Asia and the Arab world, where dogs are traditionally kept outside and cats are kept indoors (Japan was also like this in the past).

Japan is home to more than two million foreigners and people from 186 countries. There are many different cultures that coexist, each maintaining its own identity while new communities are formed. Mutual understanding is essential to create a good, harmonious society, and rental housing may be the first starting point for this.

第30期 应对文化差异 只不过是一只狗,但仍然是一只狗 少子化带来的新同居者





荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net