
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。









Understanding Foreign Residents BetterHousing and Safety: Part 2
What if a Major Earthquake Strikes Now?

Amid ongoing natural disasters, the thought, “If a major earthquake were to hit Tokyo now, would our foreign tenants be able to evacuate safely?” crossed my mind. Foreign residents living in guest houses (dormitory-style buildings) would likely follow the guidance of the building manager or evacuate together with their Japanese neighbors. However, what about those living in regular apartments without any close Japanese neighbors? Would they be able to reach a shelter safely? If they understand Japanese, there might be no problem, but if not, they could be at a loss about where to flee and may even panic.

During the Great Hanshin Earthquake, many foreign residents were affected, with numerous people losing their homes due to building collapses and being forced to live in shelters. It is said that many of them felt helpless and anxious because they could not obtain the necessary information due to language barriers.

Recently, multilingual signs have become more common in various places. Triggered by the 2002 FIFA World Cup held in Japan and South Korea, multilingual signs have been introduced in transportation systems and public facilities for foreign tourists. While this has been a convenience for tourists, how about for foreign residents? Are the signs at shelters, for example, multilingual?

After the Great Hanshin Earthquake, a volunteer group in Kobe began broadcasting evacuation instructions and contact information in multiple languages for foreign residents who could not understand Japanese. Ten years ago, the staff from this group visited Shinjuku Ward, where many foreign residents live, and said, “Do you think the disaster in Hanshin was someone else’s problem? Are you adequately prepared for a major earthquake in Tokyo?” This statement has stayed with me. Eleven years have passed since the Hanshin Earthquake, and municipalities and volunteer groups in the disaster areas have been working to establish and improve support systems for foreign residents. The staff’s words likely stemmed from a desire to see these valuable lessons and efforts applied beyond the disaster areas.

During the Niigata Prefecture Chuetsu Earthquake two years ago, a “Multilingual Disaster Prevention Sheet” was posted at the entrances of shelters, displaying information in 5 to 10 languages. This initiative was created by a group in Yokohama, drawing on the lessons learned from the Kobe earthquake. Providing necessary information and wisdom in the event of a disaster is crucial, and for foreign tenants, the real estate management company might be the best party to convey this information.

(Weekly Housing Newspaper, January 16, 2006 issue)








荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net