※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。
ハローズなど名だたるデパートが軒を連ね、外国人旅行者など多くの人が往来するロンドンのリージェント・ストリート。ここを何か探し物でもするかのように、“キョロキョロ”しながら歩く年配のイギリス人女性がいる。彼女は自分が経営するフラットの入居者を探すため、道行く人を物色していたのだ。そして、日本人と思われる女性を見つけると、「あなたお部屋を探してない?」と声を掛ける。なぜ日本人女性なのか? それは、以前フラットを貸していたのが日本人女性で、その子は部屋の中では靴を脱ぎ、部屋をとても綺麗に使っていたからだ。

“Challenges of Multicultural Co-Living Housing”
Session 25: Addressing Cultural DifferencesCountries Where Shoes Are Removed, Countries Where They Aren’tDo manners change with the place?
On London’s Regent Street, where renowned department stores such as Harrods line up and many people, including foreign travelers, come and go, there is an elderly British woman who walks around as if looking for something, glancing around. She is scouting passersby to find tenants for the flat she manages. Spotting a woman who appears to be Japanese, she asks, “Aren’t you looking for a room?” Why a Japanese woman? Because the previous tenant was a Japanese woman who used to take off her shoes inside the room and kept it very clean.
In the UK, as in most Western countries, it is rare to remove shoes inside a house or in public – it is considered an “improper act” or “against manners.” In Japan, there are many opportunities to remove shoes in public, and it is seldom regarded as improper. To foreigners (mainly Westerners), removing shoes in places like trains (especially long-distance ones) and exposing feet in public is considered ill-mannered (I think so too, but it’s more comfortable). There are cultural reasons behind the differences between countries where people remove their shoes and those where they do not.
Now, what other countries besides Japan have the custom of removing shoes inside the house? In Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, and India, it is common, and in Thailand, shoes are always removed when entering temples, and in Islamic countries when entering mosques, for religious reasons. Perhaps due to globalization, the number of people in the West who adopt the habit of removing shoes inside the house is slowly increasing.
Here’s a story from the United States: One day, a Japanese exchange student suggested to his housemates (seven people, including Americans and Australians, none of whom were Japanese) in a shared house, “Why don’t we try living without shoes inside the house?” Initially, many opposed it as inconvenient and preferred to keep things as they were. However, after a while, they noticed the floors became cleaner and cleaning became easier, and by the time they moved into a newly built house, living without shoes had become the norm.
Regarding habits, when asked, “Why do you do this?” it is often difficult to give a clear answer, and the response might be ambiguous, like “It’s just what we’ve always done.” In an era of multiculturalism and multiple nationalities, it might be worthwhile to deeply contemplate the “why?”
第25回 应对文化差异 有脱鞋习惯的国家与不脱鞋的国家 习俗随地改变?
荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net