
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。




日本に医学を学ぶために来日し、2年前から賃貸マンションで1人暮らしをしている中国人の孫さんは、ある朝、玄関先で隣の人から「昨日はお友達が来ていて、楽しそうだったわね」と言われたそうだ。そこで孫さんは「はい、昨日は中国から友達が来て、いろいろ話をして楽しかったです」と返事をした。それから2ケ月が経過し、また孫さんのところに友達が遊びに来た。そして、その翌日にトラブルは発生した。隣の人が孫さんのドアを激しくノックし、「この間、言ったわよね! 友だちが来てうるさかったって・・・」と。「この間~」と言われても身に覚えが無く、いつのことか見当もつかなかった孫さんは、ただ黙って相手の話を聞くだけで、一言も言葉を発することができなかった。




Addressing Cultural Differences”Japan, where there is Honne (true feelings) and Tatemae (facade)””Complaints even in apartments?”

In shared housing, noise issues are common troubles that occur regardless of the nationality of the residents. However, when it involves noise disputes between Japanese and foreigners, the situation tends to become a bit more complicated.

For foreigners, due to time differences and cost considerations, it often happens that they talk on the phone at night. Moreover, many Japanese are not accustomed to foreign languages, which can feel strange and make Japanese tenants particularly sensitive to these sounds.

Mr. Sun, a Chinese who came to Japan to study medicine and has been living alone in a rental apartment for the past two years, was told one morning by a neighbor, “Your friends seemed to be having a great time last night.” Mr. Sun replied, “Yes, yesterday, a friend from China visited, and we had a lot of fun talking.” Two months later, another friend visited Mr. Sun, and the next day, trouble arose. The same neighbor knocked on Mr. Sun’s door violently, saying, “I told you last time! Your friend came over and it was noisy…” Mr. Sun, who couldn’t recall the specific incident, was at a loss and could only listen silently without uttering a single word.

The next day, a Japanese friend explained to him, “That was about two months ago when the neighbor said, ‘Your friends seemed to be having a great time.’ At that time, she indirectly mentioned it was noisy yesterday, possibly sarcastically, without saying it directly.” Then, Mr. Sun realized, “Ah, so this is the so-called Honne and Tatemae of the Japanese.”

Nevertheless, Mr. Sun wondered, “I didn’t think we were that loud, and I’ve heard this building was a solid apartment complex, so why?” He had never heard noise from neighbors before and had thought it was good because it was an apartment. Mr. Sun’s apartment, indeed with a luxurious exterior and called something Mansion, is actually a two-story steel frame construction, and thus the doors and walls are not very thick. Residents live cautiously about making noise, which is why it seemed quiet.

For foreigners, not only is Japanese a challenging language, but the existence of Honne and Tatemae in conversation, and the fact that what is called a “mansion” might not really be a “mansion,” represents another layer of Honne and Tatemae, making it even more perplexing for foreigners.








荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net