
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。

近所で評判の掃除大好き外国人 掃除は自分でする国しない国








Intercultural Coexistence Housing in the Borderless Era

33rd Edition: How to Deal with Cultural Differences
The Foreign Cleanliness Enthusiasts Famous in the Neighborhood
Countries Where People Do or Don’t Clean for Themselves

I heard a story about foreigners who are known for cleaning not just their homes but also the neighborhood. Every morning, these young foreigners take brooms and dustpans in hand and clean not only their own house but also the alleys of the neighborhood. Who are they? They are Pakistani students studying at a vocational school during the day and working part-time at an izakaya (a Japanese pub) at night to cover their living expenses.

The first problem they faced when they came to Japan was finding an apartment. They couldn’t rent an apartment because they couldn’t find a Japanese guarantor. Knowing their situation, their employer, Mr. Suzuki, decided to rent a house under the company’s name and let them use it as a company dormitory.

Although Mr. Suzuki made this big decision, as the moving day approached, he began to worry: “Will they clean properly?” “How will they handle the gas?” “Will there be any trouble with the neighbors?” So, he decided to have them follow three rules: wake up early, greet neighbors when they see them, and clean not just in front of their own house but also the neighboring areas and alleys every day. These are the rules Mr. Suzuki follows for running his business, thinking that the same principles of getting along with people would apply.

However, there were still concerns. Some of them had never cleaned for themselves before coming to Japan and thought that cleaning was something done by others (like maids). This is not unique to Pakistan; in countries like India and Egypt, even ordinary working couples or single employees often hire maids to clean. In India, with a population of 1 billion, cheap labor is easily available. This can be seen as a form of work-sharing.

Due to this background, Indian people looking for rooms often ask, “Is there regular cleaning service for the room?” or “Can I hire someone to clean the room?”

As for the Pakistani students, they have been faithfully following the “Three Rules of Japanese Custom” given by the shop owner, and their communication with the neighborhood seems to be excellent.








荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net