
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。

「No」といえない日本人 インド人は日本人とは逆の首の振り方だった


“イエス”と“ノー”の使い分けと言えば、「日本人はYesって言っておきながら、実はNoだったりするから混乱する」と嘆く外国人は多い。例えば英語で「Didn’t you have a lunch yet ?(昼食はまだですか。)」と聞かれ、本来は「No, I didn’t(いいえ、まだ済ませていません。)」と言うべきところを、多くの日本人は「Yes, I didn’t.(はい、まだ済ませていません。)」と答えてしまう。なぜ日本人は上手く英語のYesとNoを使い分けできないのだろうか。単に英語が下手というだけではないようだ。日本人は相手からの質問に対して、取り敢えず「はい=Yes」から始めてしまう習性があるのではないだろうか。



The Indian Nod Is the Opposite of the Japanese Nod

Many people may have heard that in India, the way people nod for “yes” and “no” is the opposite of what is common in Japan (I’ve heard it’s the same in Bulgaria as well). However, not many people have actually seen an Indian person nodding left and right like a balancing toy while saying “yes” in front of them.

Suzuki, who is in charge of foreign resident housing at a real estate company, had heard about this from a travel-loving friend, but he had never experienced it himself until recently. Just the other day, during an important moment of contract signing, he encountered this “reverse nodding” firsthand. While explaining the apartment contract details, Suzuki repeatedly asked, “Do you understand?” because the Indian tenant would say “Yes” while nodding left and right, and then say “No” while nodding up and down. Even though Suzuki understood it logically, the unfamiliar response made him anxious about whether his explanations were getting through correctly.

Speaking of the use of “yes” and “no,” many foreigners often complain, saying, “Japanese people say ‘yes’ when they actually mean ‘no,’ which is confusing.” For example, when asked in English, “Didn’t you have lunch yet?” a Japanese person should answer, “No, I didn’t (meaning, no, I haven’t had lunch yet),” but many respond, “Yes, I didn’t (meaning, yes, I haven’t had lunch yet).” Why can’t Japanese people properly distinguish between “yes” and “no” in English? It’s not just because they are bad at English. It seems that Japanese people have a habit of starting with “hai = yes” when responding to any question.

The Japanese are often characterized as “people who can’t say no.” The cause might not only be the ambiguous nature of Japanese people but also differences in linguistic culture. However, in today’s Japan, where people from 186 countries reside, not being clear with “yes” and “no” can lead to unexpected troubles. While it’s understandable to be concerned that a clear “no” might hurt the other person’s feelings, in a multicultural society, it’s important to recognize that this ambiguity can sometimes cause trouble or hurt others.

如何应对文化差异——第37篇:不敢说“不”的日本人 印度人的点头方式与日本人相反



谈到“是”和“否”的使用,许多外国人常抱怨:“日本人说‘是’,但实际上是‘否’,这让人感到困惑。”例如,当用英语问:“你还没吃午饭吗?”时,日本人本应该回答“No, I didn’t(不,我还没吃)”,但许多人却回答“Yes, I didn’t(是,我还没吃)”。为什么日本人不能正确区分英语中的“是”和“否”呢?这不仅仅是因为他们英语不好。或许是因为日本人有一个习惯,那就是回答问题时总是先说“是=Yes”。


荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net