
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。

What is 礼金? 賃料の前払いですか それとも単なる慣習?

「礼金 ○×□△ それはなんですか?私の国には無いのですが、誰に何のために支払うお金なのですか?」「部屋を借りる際に、大家さんに謝礼として支払うお金ですよ」「へえ~大家さんにあげるプレゼントマネーですか」。これは部屋を探しに来た外国人と不動産屋とのやり取りである。



この「礼金」であるが、外国語(英語)では何と言うのだろうか。そもそも外国に存在しないものを外国語で表現することになるのだが、英語では「Key money」となり、部屋を借り受けた証の「鍵代金」というわけだ。それにしても高額な鍵代金である。



“Cohabitation in the Borderless Era: Foreigners’ Why?”14th Edition: What is Key Money? Is It Prepaid Rent or Just a Custom?

“Key money, what is it? It doesn’t exist in my country, but who and what is it paid for?” “It’s money paid to the landlord as a thank you for renting the room.” “Oh, so it’s like present money for the landlord?” This is a conversation between a foreigner looking for a room and a real estate agent.

For foreigners who come to Japan for study or business purposes, securing housing seems to be the biggest challenge. One of the first things that surprises them is the difficulty of finding a room, and then, the contract money such as key money. There are many questions from foreigners about key money, such as “Can it be refunded if I cancel halfway?” “I’m only living for a year, so I want it halved” or “Can’t it be paid in equal installments according to the contract period?”

Why is key money such an issue for foreigners? According to “Rental Housing Situations Abroad” compiled by the Machi Residential Research Association, countries like South Korea, France, Germany, America, Taiwan, and Hong Kong do not have a one-time fee equivalent to Japan’s key money. However, Germany has a “contract conclusion fee” (one month’s rent is required for foreigners, workers, or students with complicated entry and exit situations), and Korea has a “contract money = about 10% of Jeonse money” (Jeonse = a rental agreement where you deposit a certain amount of money with the landlord and no monthly rent is required). As for the increasing number of Chinese people, does their country have key money? In general rentals, the norm is zero key money, one to zero security deposit, and one month’s fee, indicating that key money does not exist.

What is “key money” called in foreign languages (English)? Since it doesn’t exist in foreign countries, translating it becomes a bit tricky, but in English, it’s called “Key money,” which translates to the cost of receiving the keys to the room. Nevertheless, this key money tends to be quite a high fee.

Key money (or premium) seems to have originated as an alternative to rent increases under the 1939 Land Rent Control Order, but even after the abolition of this order in 1947, it remained as a custom and has continued to this day. However, with recent changes in the rental market (from a landlord’s market to a tenant’s market), consumer (tenant) needs are gradually being met with new offerings in rental housing, including properties with zero key money.

The key money issue, initially thought to be a “voice of dissatisfaction” from foreigners, might actually be a “new voice” aiming to break through Japan’s old customs and move towards a global standard in rental agreements.

“无国界时代的异文化共居住宅:外国人的‘为什么’?”第14回:什么是礼金? 它是预付租金还是仅仅一种习俗?




那么,“礼金”用外语(英语)怎么说呢?由于在外国不存在,翻译起来有些棘手,但在英语中,它被称为“Key money”,意思是接收房间钥匙的费用。尽管如此,这种礼金往往是相当高的费用。



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