
※本コラムは『異文化共生住宅』をテーマにイチイ社長 荻野が2005年1月から2006年3月まで週刊住宅に寄稿したものです。

国によって違うゴミの分別 管理人は世界ゴミ分別宣教師?






Different Waste Separation Practices by Country Is the Manager a Global Waste Separation Evangelist?

Among the various rules of living, one that tenants often find difficult to follow is waste separation. This issue causes numerous neighborhood and regional conflicts and is a constant headache for property management companies. However, waste separation is not merely a matter of neighborhood disputes; it has become a crucial theme for environmental issues and preventing global warming.

Kawabe, who manages a large guesthouse (with 160 households and foreign residents from 20 countries) and calls himself a “global waste separation evangelist,” says about “foreigners and waste separation,” “Even among foreigners, the awareness of ‘waste separation’ varies greatly by country. Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland are excellent in this regard, possibly due to differences in social security systems. The United States and the United Kingdom, on the other hand, respond with ‘OK, OK’ and smiles when they move in but do not follow the rules at all. They may not even be aware of the existence of the Kyoto Protocol.” He also mentions, “Unless they understand the significance of waste separation in Japanese society, they won’t adhere to the rules. More than environmental concerns, they need to realize that waste separation is a barometer of their intention to comply with neighborhood rules. Without this understanding, they don’t grasp why such meticulous separation is necessary.”

On the other hand, Uruno, who has extensive experience living in America and is responsible for foreign resident management, believes that “Japan’s waste separation and recycling methods may be difficult for foreigners to understand.” In Seattle, where he lived, plastics are divided into about four categories. When buying items in supermarkets, the back of the product has numbers like 1 and 2, and when disposing of them, you throw them into the garbage containers with the corresponding numbers provided by the city to each household. This is a very straightforward system. In Portland, supermarkets have machines for collecting PET bottles, cans, glass bottles, old magazines, and newspapers. By inserting recyclable items into these machines, you receive a receipt with points, which can be used for discounts on purchases. It’s a convenient and appreciated system that combines recycling with shopping.

Finding a way to make “waste separation,” a key to preventing global warming, easy to understand and convenient for everyone—regardless of whether they are foreigners or Japanese—would be beneficial for all residents of the Earth.

应对文化差异 各国不同的垃圾分类 管理者是世界垃圾分类的传教士?





荻野社長ブログはコチラ▶ https://co-lifestyle.net